
Are Karma and Astrology related?

Are Karma and Astrology related?

Everyone is endowed with a certain level of intelligence, and they put that intelligence to use while making choices in their lives. Every choice we make in life requires us to make a sacrifice of some kind. This compromise ends up being beneficial for some people while being a significant setback for others.

When a tradeoff (choice) is made correctly, an individual who was previously underprivileged becomes highly privileged, and when it is made incorrectly, someone who was previously highly fortunate becomes underprivileged. The severity of this loss or gain can be controlled by a person with the correct system of values and mental equilibrium through that person’s conduct and actions in response to given circumstances; for the unbalanced, this is a downhill spiral!

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The stars, as understood through astrology, influence this stage of the decision-making process. They have a significant impact on the amounts of energy that are present in both the body and the mind of an individual, and this has a direct bearing on the decisions that that individual will make in response to the conditions that they find themselves in.

How are the concepts of Karma and Astrology related to one another?

All of the people and situations that a person comes across on their path through life just so seem to be the means for that person’s ascent or descent, and these encounters are perfectly guided by the notion of Karma (Karmic links)! The duration of all of a person’s relationships in their life is determined by the Karmic Relationships that are formed as a result of the karmic transactions that a person has engaged in with another person, either in their current incarnation or in a previous life.

Because our Vedic science holds the belief that the placement of positive and unfavorable stars in a person’s horoscope is determined by that person’s Karmic balance, the science of astrology can assist individuals in understanding their Karma (unaccounted good and bad Karma of past life).

Therefore, it is always true that “what you sow, so shall you reap,” as the saying goes. Keep a close eye on your karma at all times since the universe is always keeping track of it, and anything you do will come back to haunt you, if not in this life then in the next, in the shape of favorable or unfavorable star position in your horoscope!

This is how the concepts of Astrology and Karma are tied to one another! The analysis of your unaccounted-for Karma from the past is what astrology is all about. The field of study known as astrology acts as a compass that, by analyzing the positions of the stars in your horoscope, can provide you with an outline of the kinds of things that could take place in your life. An experienced astrologer can assist a person in interpreting the events that might take place in his or her life.

When problems occur in your life, don’t blame other people or the circumstances; have faith that it’s because of your karmic debts. In addition, now that you are aware of the connection between astrology and Karma, you should anticipate turning to astrology to obtain the missing pieces of the puzzle. It will undoubtedly serve as a guiding function, and it may assist you in mitigating the effects of your troubles.

Although the cures provided by astrology are unable to change the circumstances that are destined to take place in a person’s life, they can provide that person with the mental fortitude and equilibrium necessary to make decisions that are sensible in light of the circumstances. The number of one’s gains and losses is directly proportional to how much free will one exercise. Advice and treatments derived from astrology can be of use in rationalizing one’s mental process and free will actions in response to particular stimuli. Astrology is an ancient type of Vedic knowledge; therefore, you should make use of it!


Your natal chart in Vedic astrology symbolizes all of your karmas that must be completed in this life. Until we reach Moksha, we will keep reincarnating. You are helped to overcome difficulties from your previous birth by this karmic cycle. There is no escape. The only solutions are to act morally and think optimistically. There isn’t a drug currently available that can prevent or undo your negative karma. Therefore, it is advisable to think positively and work to clear our prior Karma Astrology.

If you have questions about love, marriage, relationships, careers, jobs, finances, businesses, international travel, health, or academics, you might find the answers to those questions and more in astrology.

Read Also:- Determine Your Lucky Color Based On Your Zodiac Sign.

Are Karma and Astrology related?
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