Understanding ‘Ashtakavarga’

Ashtakavarga is defined as an interesting and unique concept within the Vedic Astrology. It is the process of dividing every moon sign into eight subcategories based on the ascendant or other importance planets associated with the positioning of twelve moon signs. Ashtakavarga is considered as hardest and confusing methods within the sector of astrology.

Ashtakavarga + Varga = ‘Ashtakavarga’

(Eight)  (Division)

The overall strength has been calculated on Lagna and seven other planets other than Rahu. Despite of this, Ketu the Lagna Sun, Mars, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Satrun are considered as the basics for calculating Ashtakavarga of horoscope. Every point  achieved by planet is termed as Bhinn Ashtakavarga.


It has been majorly defined to show the strength of planet or house despite of defining the quality of planet or house. To determine the Ashtakavargakavarga, the chart named as Ashatakvarga Chart has been used. This chart helps in defining the focus area of our life.

The numbers defined in the above chart are included within all houses which are determined after a long, scientific and tedious process.

Significance of Numbers

Within the basic horoscope, different horoscopes denote different aspects of life. Such as Lagan would show the individual personality, health, physics, character, and different combinations would be made of different planets.

For example, the point of 31 is above average in this case the person has an above average personality and has good amount of focus. Despite of this, various cases include:

  1. House where score > average average, defines prominent areas
  2. Houses where score< average, this area needs to put extra focus.

Ashtakavarga interprets the transits of the planet through signs. It provides easy judgement over transits. It could be used to regulate several analyses with equal ease.

Example of Ashtakavarga

Ashtakavarga has been regarded as the easiest tool in terms of regulating the power of the planet to influence the horoscope signs. Based on this fact, an example of The greatest western occultist of recent times named as Aleister Crowley considered as a superlative genius created the Thoth Tarot. His birth details are 12th Oct 1875, 11:43pm at Leamington UK. Based on this information, his birth chart, Ashtakavarga chart and Navamsha chart is determined as follows:


On analyzing the birth chart, the Ashtakavarga table has many rows and columns. The top row signs from 1-12 that is from Aries to Pisces. The first right column is termed as Ascendant degree along with 7 planets termed as ‘The Eight Division’. The utilization of Rahu and Ketu has not been done on the table, despite this, the Ascendant degree also known as Lagna is considered as a ‘full-fledged planet’ by itself. Every row is termed as the core planet of the defined sign being varied from 0-8 points. The lowest row is defined as a combined score of every sign varying from 0-56. The number of points indicated within the table defines the power of the planet influencing the sign.

Key points on Ashtakavarga

  • Ashtakavarga has been used to judge the power of a planet to give the outcomes in the birth chart
  • Ashtakavarga is used to judge the power of a sign that gives outcomes within the birth chart
  • It has been used to judge the maximum influence a planet has over the sign
  • It has been used to judge the type of planet that has maximum influence over the other planet
  • The accurate implication of Ashtakavarga charts has been done to determine the power of Dasha periods
  • Ashtakavarga does not use Rahu and Ketu within its chart, this leads to eliminating the issue over evaluating the points and scores.
  • The Ashtakavarga table is majorly focused to define the tangible material and results instead of defining the psychological babble.


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