Astronomical Significance Of Dussehra | Alok Astrology

dussehra festival

Alok Astrology India is a country of extensive history, culture, and civilization. Indian history shows that ancient India was rich with the knowledge of streams like Vedic maths, surgery, Ayurveda, and Astrology, and Astronomy. Indian panchang can calculate the position and state of the different planets and stars at a given time and describe their effect on daily human life. We’ve different auspicious occasions based on the positions of the stars known as festivals. The festival “Dusshera” 2020 is on 25th October, and it holds tremendous astronomical significance. The final day of Navratri in Ashwin Maas is observed as Dussehra. In Navratri formation of constellations in ‘Virgo’ and then ‘Leo’ can be visualized which creates the image of Maa Durga sitting on her and thus giving the scene for Navratri which comes twice every year. The Dusshera or Vijaydashmi gets its name because of the date being the ‘Dashmi’ of Ashwin Shukla Paksha, and on this day Lord Rama got a victory over ten-headed ‘Ravan’, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil.

So Dussehra is the occasion for the removal of ten sins like Kama, Krodha, Moh, Lobha, Mada, Matsra, Swartha, Anyaya, Amanavta, Ahnkara. As far as astrological constellations are concerned this day is the best occasion for attaining knowledge or studies as the moola or root constellation falls in the ‘Dhanu’ Rashi,(Jupiter) both the symbol of wisdom and is connected to the goddess ‘Saraswati’. Also, in South India, the skilled workers and warriors follow a tradition of ‘Ayudh Poojan’ (Weapon/Tool Worship) dedicated to Lord Vishnu for prosperity and protection. On this magnificent day, people should remember Lord Rama and Lord Vishnu and Chant these mantras for welfare, health, and prosperity in the coming year – “Rama Raksha Strota” is to remember Lord Rama, their glory on this day and praying for excellent health and life”. “Hanuman Chalisa” is an excellent prayer to Lord Hanumana stating all the aspects and virtues of Hanumana along with praying for wisdom, wealth, health, power, and protection for life.

Astronomical Significance Of Dussehra | Alok Astrology

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