How will March 2023 turn out for you as per Astrology?

March 2023

As March 2023 approaches, big astrological events may affect our collective evolution. The Age of Aquarius may begin with major outer planet movements. March 2023 might start thirty years of occurrences. Since the future is unclear and astrology is interpretable, it’s important to stay open-minded and humble.

Know about how Astrology will Impact your life in March 2023. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.

Transit and major conjunctions in March 2023

  • Saturn, Mercury, and the Sun in Aquarius from February 27 to March 15.
  • Rahu Venus in Aries from 12 March to 6 April 2023
  • Sun, Jupiter, & Mercury Conjunction in Pisces from 16th to 31st March 2023

Horoscope for March 2023

  • Aries

Aries may have a modest month in March 2023 due to Saturn in the 11th house and the relationship planet in the 3rd house. Jupiter, Rahu, and Ketu are unfavourable, except Saturn in the 11th house.

Aries may have trouble being promoted and other rewards, and expenses may persist. Meditation/yoga can help with stress and pain. Initially, marriage and love may encounter difficulties, but the situation may improve by the middle of the month. Moderate family life and food donations are advised.

  • Taurus

Saturn in the 10th house and Jupiter in the 11th house indicate a modest March 2023 for Taurus. Taurus may be rewarded for their efforts, although job stress and a difficult environment may prevail.

Jupiter, Sun, and Mercury help career and finance. Rahu-related intestinal issues may cause moderate health. After the 15th, family, love, and marriage may improve.

  • Gemini

After the 15th, Sun, Mercury, and Venus will align in Gemini’s March horoscope. Career advancement will be slow, but the 2nd half of the month could offer international prospects.

Mars’ unfavourable positioning may cause expensive spending and health issues in the first part of the month. Mars may disrupt family life emotionally and love and marriage may suffer in the 1st half of the month.

  • Cancer

Saturn and the Sun’s unfavourable location in the March 2023 Cancer horoscope may make the 1st half of the month difficult for work and finances. The 2nd half of the month may improve love, marriage, and career.

After the 15th, businesspeople may profit from the competition. Mutual understanding is essential to family satisfaction, even if the first half is rocky. Saturn’s unfavourable placement may affect health, but no serious concerns are expected.

  • Leo

Due to adverse planet motions, Leo’s March horoscope has mixed professional, financial, and health consequences. Colleagues, increases, and company issues may make the first part of the month difficult. Mars in the 11th house improves the second half.

Leos may have trouble saving and spending. Insecurity can cause tension and leg and thigh pain. Love and marriage require adaptations, and family life may be filled with ego-driven disputes. Praise the Sun.

  • Virgo

The March 2023 Virgo horoscope predicts average outcomes. Saturn and Jupiter in the sixth and seventh houses may provide career success, while Rahu and Ketu may cause financial issues.

The early part of the month may be good for love and health, while the second half may be bad. Property disputes can cause family strife.

  • Libra

Libra’s March 2023 horoscope predicts mixed health, finances, and relationships. Ketu and Rahu in the 1st and 7th houses may cause career issues and insecurity. The first part of the month may offer career achievement, while the 2nd half may bring distractions.

After the 15th, Venus may help with finances. Jupiter in the 6th house may cause health issues. Rahu and Ketu may affect love and marriage. Venus may resolve family disputes after the 15th.

  • Scorpio

Scorpios will enjoy the month. Be bold in your commercial ventures. Your bosses and coworkers may benefit from your unique ideas.

You may receive several romantic proposals this month, but only the sincere ones will last. Whether it’s a personal or professional proposal, you must be certain and at ease before choosing the ideal one. If you follow your values, this month is yours.

  • Sagittarius

March 2023 may be good for Sagittarius. They may advance financially and professionally. They may outperform their opponents and make money. Shareholders and traders may profit.

In March, Sagittarius will stay strong. After the 15th, love and marriage could improve. In the 1st half of the month, ego clashes may arise. Trust and affection can make family life good.

  • Capricorn

March 2023 may be mixed for Capricorns. Saturn in the 2nd house may affect financial matters, while Rahu in the 4th house may raise living costs and health issues. Jupiter in the 3rd house may cause lavish spending, making saving money difficult. Ketu in the 10th house may provide a spiritual journey and logical effort.

Capricorn entrepreneurs may face competition but benefit in the second part of the month. Planetary positions can strain love and family.

  • Aquarius

In March 2023, Aquarius might expect mixed results in profession, income, wellness, love, and family. Saturn in the 1st house brings career challenges and duties.

Jupiter in Aquarius’s second house may help people make money but not save it. Saturn and Ketu may make the 1st half of the month financially difficult. Saturn in its sign may cause health issues, love conflicts, and a lacklustre family life.

  • Pisces

In March 2023, Aquarius might expect mixed results in the profession, wealth, health, relationship, and family. Saturn in the 1st house brings career challenges and duties.

Jupiter in Pisces lagna’s 2nd house may bring some money, but no savings. Saturn and Ketu may make the 1st half of the month financially difficult. Saturn in its own sign can cause health issues, love conflicts, and dull family life.


March 2023 horoscopes predict favourable and negative consequences for each zodiac sign. Some indications succeed financially and professionally, while others struggle. These projections should be used as a guide, not to make critical decisions.

How will March 2023 turn out for you as per Astrology?

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