Indu Lagna – One Of The Special Lagnas In A Horoscope
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Indu Lagna is one of many special lagnas in a horoscope to determine the financial status of a native. One can easily predict the magnitude of wealth the native would acquire by assessing the strength of the Indu Lagna.
To arrive at the Indu Lagna in a horoscope, the following procedure is to be followed. Only seven planets from Sun to Saturn are considered to calculate the Indu Lagna, and Rahu and Ketu are excluded. Each one of the seven planets from Sun to Saturn has been assigned a number which is Sun – 30, Moon – 16, Mars – 6, Mercury- 8, Jupiter – 10, Venus – 12, and finally Saturn – 1. The first step would be to determine the ninth lords from both the Ascendant and Moon and to note down the respective numbers assigned to them. Then, to calculate the Indu Lagna of the native, we will have to add these two numbers and then divide this total by 12 and note down the remainder. If the remainder is 0, then the Indu Lagna will be the 12th house from Moon. If the remainder is 1, then the house occupied by Moon will be the Indu Lagna. If the remainder is other than 0 or 1, then we will have to count as many houses as the remainder from the house where Moon is present to get the Indu Lagna. Let us take an example case of a native with Aries ascendant and Moon in Libra. So, the ninth lord from the ascendant is Jupiter and, the number assigned to him is 10 and the ninth lord from Libra Moon will be Mercury with the number assigned to him being 8. When these two numbers are added, the total would be 18 and, the remainder we get after dividing 18 by 12 would be 6. Therefore, on counting 6 houses from Libra Moon, we would get Pisces which would be the Indu Lagna of the native.
Now, the amount of wealth the native would acquire in his life would be determined depending on the following conditions:
1. The native’s financial condition would be good during the periods of the planets present in Indu Lagna. Lagna lord, if present in Indu Lagna, would also give wealth.
2. Malefics present in Indu Lagna would give very ordinary results.
3. If both benefic and malefic planets are associated (position/aspect/conjunction) with Indu Lagna or its lord, they would give mixed results.
4. If the lords of the second, ninth, tenth, and eleventh houses from Indu Lagna are related to each other, they would give a stable rich financial status to the native.
5. Strong second and eleventh houses from Indu Lagna would make the Indu Lagna even stronger.
6. The presence of one benefic planet and one malefic planet in Indu Lagna would give mixed results, benefic results during benefic planet’s periods and hardships during malefic planet’s periods.
7. Exalted malefic planet present in the Indu Lagna would give wealth towards the end of its period.
8. If there are no planets in Indu Lagna, then benefic results can be expected if the Indu Lagna lord is stronger and also during the periods of planets which aspect the Indu Lagna.