The zodiac’s bosses are the ruling planets. They call the shots and have a big say in how each sign runs its operation, as well as how everyone else acts when they’re around.
Let us discuss in brief, what it’s like to be ruled from different planets in terms of habits, traits, and behavior.
Ruling Planet: Mars
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, you are the family’s oldest kid. While the rest of the world catches up, you set the pace. Your sheer will and drive will bring you where you need to go, and quickly. Mars is all about energy, passion, and self-starting, giving Aries an obvious sense of self-assurance.
Ruling Planet: Venus
If you think of Venus, you probably think of love, beauty, or women’s tennis. The bull’s sign is ruled by Venus, which inspires Taurus people to explore their emotions. You value all things attractive as a lover of good food, beautiful art, and love.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Geminis are driven to do the same by the planet, which explains their prolific nature. Geminis, in particular, are motivated by Mercury’s emphasis on the mind to learn, think, and share more.
Ruling Planet: Moon
Cancer, your emotions change as rapidly as the tides. Perhaps this is due to the moon’s influence, which is responsible for the rises and falls of human emotion. The moon has an impact on our moods. You have the potential to be more sensitive than the other signs and to be more in touch with your innermost feelings.
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Ruling Planet: Sun
You, Leo, are ruled by the sun. With the brightest star for the brightest sign, You, too, share this opinion. The sun’s influence is responsible for your liveliness, friendliness, and almost endless amount of energy.
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Mercury’s impact on Virgo appears as a natural ability to identify and differentiate, making your sign a natural-born critic in a good sense. You’re hyper-focused on picking through the world’s noise in a precise, exact way that it is originally been given to you.
Ruling Planet: Venus
Libra is ruled by Venus. You’re a natural intermediary who values truth and sincerity while putting in long hours to protect those you care about. Your relationships are really important to you. You take pride in being a good friend and partner, and you seek out others who share those qualities.
Ruling Planet: Pluto
You have a dark side, Scorpio. Maybe it’s because you’re ruled by Pluto, the small yet powerful planet that orbits the Sun far. Pluto is associated with death, eternity, and the human psyche. You are one of the most powerful zodiac signs because of your capacity to connect with your inner self.
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Jupiter, the planet of luck, good fortune, and travel, rules you. It’s a mouthful, but luckily you’re always eager for more. No one could ask for a better adventure companion than you. People are drawn to you because of your creativity and cheerful attitude.
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, and Capricorns are known for their love. Saturn is the planet of responsibility, endurance, and dedication. Some refer to it as the planet’s taskmaster, as it keeps everyone in check and ensures direct routes to the finish line. Saturn is also associated with learning lessons and understanding boundaries.