Mathematics Of the Nine Planets: How Do They Affect Life?

alok astrology

In astrology, predictions are made by the calculation of planets. According to astrology, the position of all nine planets has good as well as inauspicious effects on a person’s life. Planets are represented in our life as well as in various parts of our bodies. Planets play an important role in our life. They are responsible for both our happiness and sorrow. From when a person is born, the position of the planets starts affecting his life.


The Sun is one of the most important planets in the horoscope. The Sun is the creator of the universe. If the Sun is auspicious, then fame comes. And if the Sun is weak, it attracts slander by being devoid of religion. The center of the head is the place of the Sun in the body. The effect of the Sun remains on the brain and our intellect. Sun also affects our bones, pancreas, head, eyes, digestive system, and heart.


As the Vedic scriptures describe, Chandra Grah is the house of the mind. Chandra Grah is known as the Moon, which is also known as Chandra dev or Chandra deva. Chandra is divine, and hence the Moon is also known as Brahmanda (The Creator). When Chandra is happy, everything is happy. When Chandra is unhappy, everything is unhappy. Chandra is the cause of good and bad. Chandra is also known as Gautama. Chandra is also known as Kuja and sometimes Soma. Chandra is the ruler of the stars, planets, and constellations.


The most important friend of the Sun is Mars. Sun is the king, but Sun cannot rule without Mars. Therefore protector of health is Mars. Pranayama, yoga, exercise, protection will increase, if Mars is strong then the land will be there. Without Mars’ permission, you cannot own a piece of land unless it permits. The fire of Mars generates desire and anger. And thus Mars is the planet of anger.


There are a lot of factors in a horoscope, but Mercury is one of the most important. The planet Mercury is known as Budha in Sanskrit. It signifies the factor of speech and intelligence. In Vedic astrology, the planet Mercury is considered to be the most intellectual planet. This planet can give a lot of satisfaction if it is strong from the Moon. If Mercury is not strong from the Moon then people can have a problem with their speech. The planet Mercury is considered to be a very tricky planet and can give problems like tension and different kinds of allergies.


Venus is the factor of beauty. Due to its auspiciousness, the person is attracted towards beauty as well as gets all kinds of happiness. The inauspicious position of Venus brings darkness to life.


Jupiter is the most important planet in the universe, it is also the Guru of the Gods as the most auspicious planet. It is the planet of protection and the planet of prosperity too. It is also said to be the destroyer of negative energies and can control all planetary energies. It is also called the planet of success and victory. The planet Jupiter controls our religious feelings. If the Guru is inauspicious in someone’s horoscope, then even the smallest work becomes a hindrance. Hard work doesn’t even bear fruit.


Saturn is known as Sade Sati, he is the planet of sin and bondage, he is the slowest moving planet and the one that creates the most problems and miseries in life. However, he can also be beneficial and can people really rich. In Vedic Astrology, Saturn is the biggest malefic planet, but it is also the biggest benefit. It is a bhogin planet.


Rahu’s association is of a controversial nature. Many people agree that Rahu is a good planet. Some people believe that Rahu is a planet that can be of great help in life. Though there are some negative aspects of Rahu, they are strongly outweighed by the positive effects of Rahu. Auspicious Rahu in the horoscope makes it sharp intellect, if Rahu starts giving bad results, then understand that difficult situations are approaching. The person gets a lot of trouble if Rahu is inauspicious. But if Rahu is sitting with a strong planet in the horoscope, the person becomes strong.


Ketu is called the head of snakes in Vedic Astrology. Ketu is seen as very auspicious. Ketu represents the guru who guides the person through the journey of life. Ketu is seen as the person who makes a person humble and very kind.

The educated people are the ones who are the most affected by Ketu. They are the head of their fields/professions. Ketu’s position can affect fame and power.

Ketu is considered the enemy of the overall ‘Jupiter’.

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Mathematics Of the Nine Planets: How Do They Affect Life?

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