This mantra can eliminate any Vastu Dosha!

Vastu Dosha

Vastu Dosha can affect your personal and business life. Vastu Dosh in astrology refers to deficiencies in a home, office, or other important location. Vastu Dosh results from improper placement or structure. Vastu Dosh brings negativity and devastation to the native, disrupting their lives. Consult an astrologer to make your residence Vastu suitable.

Know about what are the effects of Vastu Dosha & how to remove it?  Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.

Modern residential projects don’t follow Vastu Shastra while creating residential or commercial properties, causing Vastu incompatibility. However, such structural flaws and Vastu violations most affect the indigenous using the building. Vastu Dosh disrupts energy flow in the Panch Mahabhoot—earth, water, fire, air, and space. When these ingredients are misplaced, they negatively impact the native.

Vastu Dosh Bad Effects:

  1. North governs finances in Vastu. This direction determines your income. To succeed, remove any Vastu flaw in the north direction.
  2. Vastu shastra links the East to recognition and affection. If any of these two areas of your life are strained, you must pay attention to the Vastu of the east orientation of the house.
  3. Astrologers say West-facing Vastu flaws cause chest sickness and poverty. If there are marriage delays or issues with the youngest daughter, the west orientation of the house must be corrected astrologically.
  4. People with faults in their South Vastu face legal troubles, eye issues, and job loss.
  5. The northeast is considered the most significant direction in Vastu since it is linked to the native’s luck and prosperity. Northeast vastu faults cause accidents, surgery, legal disputes, and general disappointment.
  6. Vastu-incompatible northwest directions can cause heart disease and psychiatric illness in residents. Thus, Vastu prohibits northeast-facing entrances, underground water tanks, temples, and kitchens.
  7. Natives feel calm in the Southeast. Southeast Vastu Dosh harms mental wellness.
  8. Household ties are governed by the southwest. Southwest bad energy can cause financial and family issues.
  9. Vastu Dosh home treatments are easy if you own your home. After consulting Vastu experts, make some adjustments. Sometimes changing the home Vastu isn’t an option. Even if it’s Vastu-incompatible, apartment dwellers can’t make structural alterations. Vastu mantras can help.
  10. Regular mantra jaap removes Vastu Dosh. Vastu mantra removes negative energy and invites auspiciousness. If you can’t afford or are too sluggish to make Vastu adjustments, Vastu mantra is among the best techniques to eliminate Vastu Dosha from a house.

However, let’s examine some Vastu Mantras and how they might help you.

Mantra for removing Vastu Dosha:

We often unknowingly commit Vastu Dosha at home or elsewhere. Since we can’t perfect everything around us, Vastu Dosh may always be present. Chanting the Vastu Purusha Mantra helps.

  • Vastu Purusha Mantra:

“|| नमस्ते वास्तु पुरुषाय भूशय्या भिरत प्रभो |
मद्गृहं धन धान्यादि समृद्धं कुरु सर्वदा ||”

“|| Namaste Vaastu Purushaay Bhooshayyaa Bhirat Prabho |
Madgriham Dhan Dhaanyaadi Samriddham Kuru Sarvada ||”

Vastu Purusha Mantra benefits:

  • Vastu Purusha mantra recitation enhances peace and harmony in the native’s life and residence.
  • If you have a Vastu Dosh that you’re unaware of, reciting this mantra helps.
  • Office creativity improves with Vastu Purusha mantra chanting.
  • This Vastu mantra requires no muhurta. Recite that anywhere, anytime.
Vastu Dosh Nivaran Mantras

According to Vastu Shastra, a native can chant one of many “Vastu Dosha Nirvana Mantras” to eliminate the effects of Vastu Dosha. The Vastu Purusha Mantra is great for removing unintended Dosha, however Vastu Dosh Nivaran chants are performed by those knowledgeable of the Dosha in their area. Hawans usually follow Vastu Dosha Nivaran mantras.

These Vastu mantras help natives whose children have Vastu Dosh issues. Chanting these mantras regularly can also fix Vastu-related health ailments.

Mantras for Vastu Dosha Nivaran:
  • Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra – 1

“|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते प्रति जानीद्यस्मान स्वावेशो अनमी वो भवान यत्वे 
महे प्रतितन्नो जुषस्व शन्नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्प्दे स्वाहा ||”

“|| Om Vaastoshpate Prati Jaanidyasmaan Swaawesho Anamee Vo Bhavaan Yatve
Mahe Pratitanno Jushasva Sahnno Bhav Dvipade Sham Chatushpade Swaahaa ||”


  • Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra – 2

“|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते प्रतरणो न एधि गयस्फानो गोभि रश्वे भिरिदो अजरासस्ते सख्ये स्याम पितेव पुत्रान्प्रतिन्नो जुषस्य शन्नो भव द्विपदे शं चतुष्प्दे स्वाहा ||”

“|| Om Vaastoshpate Pratarano Na Edhi Gayasphaano Gobhi Rashve Bhirido Ajaraasaste Sakhye Syaam Pitev Putraanpratinno Jushashya Shanno Bhav Dvipade Sham Chatushpade Swaahaa ||”


  • Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra – 3

“|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते शग्मया स र्ठ(ग्वग्) सदाते सक्षीम हिरण्यया गातु मन्धा।
चहिक्षेम उतयोगे वरन्नो यूयं पातस्वस्तिभिः सदानः स्वाहा।”

“|| Om Vaastoshpate Shagmayaa Sa Gvag Sadaate Saksheem Hiranyayaa Gaatu Mandhaa |
Chahikshem Utayoge Varanno Yooyam Paatasvastibhiha Sadaanah Swaahaa||”

  • Vastu Dosha Nivaran Mantra – 4

“|| ॐ वास्तोष्पते ध्रुवास्थूणां सनं सौभ्या नां द्रप्सो भेत्ता |
पुरां शाश्वती ना मिन्क्षे मुनीनां सखा स्वाहा ||”

“|| Om Vaastoshpate Dhruvaasthoonaam Sanam Saubhyaa Naam Drapso Bhettaa |
Puraam Shashvatee Naa Minkshe Muninaam Sakhaa Swaahaa ||”

Vastu Dosh Nivaran mantra benefits:
  • Vastu Dosha can be removed from the house by reciting this mantra.
  • This English Vastu Dosh mantra is excellent for native kitchen Vastu Dosha.
  • The mantra fixes incompatibility, boredom, and other relationship issues.
  • Reciting the mantra reduces depression and clears the mind.
  • Exam-preparation mantras help students focus.
  • The mantra fixes the children’s room Vastu Dosh.
  • Vastu Dosh Nivaran mantras remove negative energies and bring positive ones.
  • The child’s horoscope’s malefic planets can be mitigated by chanting these mantras.
This mantra can eliminate any Vastu Dosha!
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