Within the Hindu Astrology, there are nine planets majorly being considered  that affects the terrestrial phenomenon. These nine planets are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu. The strength of planets has been defined on the basis of evaluating the planets individually or based on conjunction being defined over planets in horoscope. 


In terms of deciding the strength of planets, the number of factors that needs to be considered are categorized as follows:

  • Conjunction 

Conjunction of good planets together gives strength to planets. In case of having conjunction with malefic planets, the number of malefic outcomes are produced. The good planets could be of two types:

  1. Natural Benefics : It includes planet like Jupiter, Venus, Waxing Moon
  2. Benefics as per lordship of benefic houses: It includes lords of 5th and 9th house. 
  • Exaltation 

It includes major term as strong planet. It has been observed in case when the planet is in exaltation sign during this time planet is able to execute the primary mission and is termed as ‘Strong Planet’. The planets such as Jupiter in Cancer, Mars in Capricon, Sun in Aries, Saturn in Libra and Moon in Taurus has been defined as strong planets. 

  • Mooltrikona 

The planets in general have their own sign also termed as Mooltrikona. It has been also defined as strong planet. The overall protection and promotion has been done by defining the general signification defined over the mooltrikona house, it is processed entirely by the strong natal planet. 

  • Friendly sign house 

The planet being defined within its friendly sign has been also possessed to provide the higher strength of planet. The formation of  overall condition has been defined to provide  happiness  to the native. 

  • Shadbala

Within this section, there are six source of strength of planet being defined as follows:

  1. Sthanbala: Position in Particular House 

It is defined as the positional strength achieved by planet as the outcome of occupying a particular house. 

 2. Digbala: Directional Strength 

It is defined as directional strength. In ascendant, Jupiter and Mercury are strong. In North, Sun and Mars are strong in 10th house. In west, Saturn is strong and Venus and Mars acquires the directional form of strength in South in 4th house. 

 3. Chestabala: Motional Strength 

The formation of  Sun’s northerly couse is formed by Sun and Moon in Sign of Pisces, Capricon, Aries and Gemini signs. In addition to this, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are with Mars and are being termed as defeated within the planetary fight and achieves Motional Strength. 

 4. Kalabala: Temporal Strength 

The Mars, Moon and Saturn are powerful during night, whereas the Sun, Venus and Jupiter are powerful during day time and Mercury is observed to be always powerful. 

 5. Drugbala

It includes the various aspects of benefics that provide a complete strength of planet. 

 6. Naisargikbala: Natural Strength 

It has been termed as natural or permanent strength. In this, each planet produces  the determined strength permanently as per its position. 

On determining the number of factors to determine the strength of a planet,  the order of planets from their maximum to minimum strengths are:


Decreasing strengths


  • Any planet having a longitude between 05º to 25º in a particular sign is considered to have strong strength.
  • The strength of the planet could be also found to be high in the case when the planet is young. It has a longitude between 10º to 20º within the particular sign. 

The overall strength of the planet could be enhanced by including the strengthening measures along with the Kavach or Gemstones. 

Despite the above-discussed factors, there are other ways of determining the planet’s strength but this has been majorly defined considering the number of factors discussed above.

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