What are the remedies for diseases caused by Saturn?


In our horoscope, there are various things about one life that an individual might be aware of. Things that are not important at the moment. Various things we want to know which help us make decisions at the moment.

Know more about what are the remedies for diseases caused by Saturn. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.

Saturn, the mighty god of justice and karma. He is the brother of Lord Yama, who is known to be the god of death. Saturn is known for its brutal way of bringing justice to the world and making this planet where equality can dwell. It is also known to give the fruit of hard work and diligence to individuals. Saturn is known to bring discipline, good habits, and good karma. Not necessary with general practice, the excellent teaching of Saturn comes at the cost of its strict teaching techniques. Saturn is the son of the Lord of light and energy, the Sun, yet if they were to conjunction in your charts, you can’t expect anything going fast because of slow Saturn. The conjunction also brings lots of problems for individuals, the malice coming from Saturn will hold the native back. Weight loss, hair loss, lose in business ventures, and various other problems which could be life-threatening await an individual.


Different diseases that a native might be suffering from due to its weak or malefic Saturn situation are related to the bone, like Rheumatism, arthritis, shattered bones, osteoporosis, and accelerated aging are all included. Saturn also controls specific vitamins and calcium in the body.

Astrologers also confirm that diseases like paralysis, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, multiple sclerosis, and others are induced by malevolent Saturn. Emaciation, deafness, eyesight impairment, and deformity are all possible if a native happens to have a weak Saturn suffering from Sade Sati.

There are some deficiencies related to vital fluid, itch, and pain are associated with malefic Saturn of a native’s chart.

Saturn is often associated with the Vatta dosha of the dosha element. As a result, temperamental issues may surround those with faulty Saturn.

Native suffering from Incurable foot and leg diseases can have an impact of the malice of Saturn these infections would cause. Ailments of the rectum and colon may also be present.


In astrology, there are various remedies to deal with weak plants and their impacts. Someone who has a weak Saturn in their charts can get rid of it by using the following remedies:

  • Involve indigenous in all duties they accomplish. Along with it, preserving order and decorum in one’s life would aid in the removal of malevolent Saturn from the charts.
  • Living a disciplined life where the native is religious towards its duties and the karma it has been assigned.
  • Following rules and regulations will help you get through the hard time you have due to the malic Saturn has incurred upon you.
  • Meditation is another treatment for Saturn’s weakness. It would boost their attention and assist natives in seeking beneficial outcomes from Saturn.
  • Leaving undesirable habits behind can also assist people of all zodiac signs to get rid of malevolent Saturn in their horoscope.
  • Surya can be prayed to every morning. Additionally, worshipping to Shani Deva on Saturdays can benefit malefic Saturn in the natal chart. Natives can also pray to Lord Hanuman, who will grant them favors. As Lord Shani gets impressed if native will pray to Lord Hanuman.
  • Donations are usually beneficial to locals. To alleviate the effects of evil Saturn, residents must assist the poor and needy in whatever way possible.
  • Another Saturn treatment is to fast on Saturdays. This will detoxify the natives and assist them in getting rid of the malefic Saturn in their charts.
  • Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Discipline in living and preserving order would also aid in the removal of malevolent Saturn from the natal chart.
  • Meditation is another option. It would help them focus better and seek positive results from Saturn.
  • Leaving bad habits behind will also assist people of all zodiac signs to get rid of malevolent Saturn in their horoscope.
  • Chanting shani beej mantra.


Saturn might be known as brutal when it comes to justice and the deeds of an individual, but surely pacifying it is also possible. Saturn demands discipline and generosity towards others in an individual. The native should understand the importance of giving. The problems the suffering native is facing are resultant of its own deeds, which might be of past birth or even of this birth. Follow remedies and pacify your Saturn. It is not easy to please Saturn as discipline and regularity are things it takes into consideration. So be regular and religious in your approach when doing above mention remedies. Remedies are simple and will be fruitful to individuals. Individuals will nullify the malice of Saturn, and Saturn will get impressed.

What are the remedies for diseases caused by Saturn?

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