What do 12 houses in a Kundali represent?


A person’s chart, which is said to be a circle, is divided into 12 parts, and each one is given to a house that is 30 degrees in size, to be precise. Vedic astrology sometimes astounds the modern world with its error-free calculation and the view beyond its scope. Just like this, the way. The birth chart is a snapshot of the sky taken from our vantage point on Earth at the precise moment you were born. The “movie of your life” action takes place in the houses. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces are the 12 signs. Furthermore, the natural
world is made up of five essential elements. Earth (Bhumi), water (Jala), fire (Agni), air (Vaayu), and sky are the Vedic elements (Aakash).

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Depending on your time, date, and place of birth, each house on your chart is ruled by a different sign. This rulership determines which zodiac sign the cusp or starting point of a house intersects with on the wheel a little advanced, so don’t worry too much about this one. Because each house is associated with a specific area, the places are essentially what ground astrology in earthly matters.

Houses in Vedic Astrology define and divide specific areas of a person’s life based on his horoscope, which is calculated using the exact time, place, and date of birth. The following section will explain how the different houses govern various aspects of one’s existence.

First house

Lagna, short for “Ascendant,” is another name for the first house. Because it embodies who you are and how you look, it is the home of the self. Characteristics of your physical self, such as your looks, demeanor, nature, body structure, upbringing, health, ego, and sense of self, are all part of your physical personality.

It affects how you approach the world and how you evaluate your capabilities. And how you’d like other people to interpret your attitudes, beliefs, and preferences. The head and the face are the primary symbols for the first house. The skin, the hair on one’s head, the brain, and so on are all a part of this. According to Vedic astrology, you may have headaches, acne, scarring, and other problems if your first house is weak. The fiery spirit of Aries is linked to this location.

You are defined by your Ascendant and your First House. It symbolizes your birth body, physical appearance, and general temperament. Natal planets in the First House significantly impact that person’s life; for instance, Mercury in the First House is a sign of a chatterbox, while the moon in the First House reveals someone very emotional and their emotions are fragile. You might not hurt them but their feelings very quickly. When planets in the sky transit into this house, our dreams become a reality, and new projects, ideas, or perspectives emerge, as this is the first stop in the cycle. Aries
energy is associated with this House.

Second House

According to Vedic astrology, the second house is all about material possessions. Dhaana Sanskrit word that means “income,” or money. It includes not just money but assets. The second house rules making the most of what you have, both material and immaterial. It’s a good fit for Taureans to live in this house.

As any competent Vedic astrologer can explain, the second house is in charge of sensory organs like the tongue, teeth, eyes, mouth, and nose. The second dwelling places restrictions on more than just material possessions. Non-tangibles like a person’s voice are included as well. If the beautiful and melodic planet Venus is located in the second house of one’s Kundali, that person’s voice will be very attractive and well-liked.

This is brilliantly illustrated by Priyanka Chopra. After analyzing her horoscope, our master astrologers concluded that she would make a fantastic singer because Mercury is in its own house and sits with Venus, the lord of the Ascendant.

The Third House

The third house is owned by Gemini. It controls one’s temperament and memorization skills. The house is also connected to the spheres of travel, siblings, neighbors, pastimes, habits, mental acuity, and expression.

The third house in Vedic astrology is responsible for all forms of public expression, including but not limited to the news media, publishing, journalism, publishing, editing, writing, and broadcasting. All occupations that involve some form of interpersonal interaction through speech or writing fall under this category.

The third house rules over the legs, hands, arms, shoulders, collar bones, A weak third house in your natal chart is the primary cause of such issues.

What do 12 houses in a Kundali represent?

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