Which disease is caused by Rahu and Ketu?

Rahu and Ketu

Each planet in astrology controls some kind of emotion or health of the native it is ruling on. As we know, planets are in motion, and due to this, their effects on natives is ever changing. But there are times when malice on the planet is so much that it can impact your health for a longer. When we talk about planets like Rahu and Ketu, those are notorious for their malic and heavy impact on the personality and emotional and physical wellbeing of the native. 

Know more about what diseases are caused by Rahu and Ketu. Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.

Healthy eating and a good lifestyle are excellent practices, but ongoing poor health and prevalent disease can be an indicator of weak plants and their impact on your charts.

The origin of several diseases can be linked to the signs and constellations and their position. Also, the position on the planet in the charts and their strength determines an individual’s health and well-being.

According to astrologers, there are numerous diseases linked with the shadow planets Rahu and Ketu. Let’s figure out which disease associated with these planets could cause a significant setback to us and remedies to defend ourselves against health problems caused by these planets.


Despite being only a shadow in the cosmos, Rahu embodies all virtual out forms. It represents all bright wishes and is the embodiment of idleness due to its languid movement. Native is identified as lazy and slow in its approach and known to be idle.

Rahu-Borne Diseases according to astrologers, the shadow planet Rahu causes problems with the brain, liver, weakness, smallpox, worms in the stomach, injury caused by falling from a great height, insanity, intense pain, exteram problems, physical pain caused by animals, leprosy, cancer, fever, brain disorder, sudden serious injury, and accident. As a result, if a person has any of these issues, the location of Rahu in the birth chart is almost certainly to blame. The effect of malefic Rahu could affect mental and physical health beyond repair at times; it always depends upon the malefic effects of Rahu in the native’s chart.

Rahu governs the arms, breathing, chest, lungs, muscle system, and so forth. As a result, there is a danger of cardiac arrest, lung failure, muscular problems, and other complications.

Rahu also advises a native to follow the path of spirituality. As a result, a person with a weak Rahu frequently suffers from intense phobias, incurable diseases, and allergies, as well as anxiety and concentration troubles. Furthermore, malefic Rahu has comparable effects on weak Mars and Saturn. These people are afflicted with muscular illnesses, bone discomfort, and ailments associated with old age.

Weak or malefic Rahu is will sure to push its native towards delusion and illusion about life. Natives are said to experience duality in thoughts, and it’s troublesome and tough to make a choice and come to a decision.


  • Try to donate a copper vessel to someone.
  • Wear silver jewelry.
  • Chant Rahu beej mantra daily.
  • The native should donate black and blue color cloth.


Ketu, like Rahu, is a shadow planet in Vedic Astrology. It has a deep significance since it denotes loneliness, isolation, and so on. A person with a weak Ketu may suffer from annoying ailments like chickenpox and stammering.

Ketu, the headless planet, has a negative impact on the stomach, lungs, and lever of the human body. Speaking of which, Ketu is always the source of puzzling ailments whose origin cannot be determined. An afflicted or malefic Ketu causes problems with the lungs and intestines. People with a weak Ketu, in particular, frequently complain of gas and windiness. Ketu-Borne Diseases in astrology are rheumatic disease, bleeding, skin disease, weakness, stagnancy, injury in the body, wound, allergy, sudden sickness, difficulties, dog bite, spinal issue, joint pain, diabetes, ear, sleepiness, hernia, and genital disease are all problems caused by Ketu.

  • Chant ketu beej mantra.
  • Wear grey and brown color clothes.
  • Respect elders.
  • Donate urad, warm clothes, iron, umbrella, and blanket to pacify the effects of Ketu.

The post contains all the information about the disease and the impact of Rahu and Ketu on an individual due to the malefic nature of the planets in native charts. Following remedies religiously will for sure bring benefit in native’s life also it pacifies the harsh impacts of the planet.

Which disease is caused by Rahu and Ketu?

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