Why Griha Pravesh Pooja is Important?

Why Griha Pravesh Pooja is Important?

Before moving into a new home for the first time, a puja called Griha Pravesh, or “Housewarming,” is conducted. Pooja is an act of worshipping a goddess or god in order to move closer to the path of happiness and harmony. The Griha Pravesh puja is seen as significant for the family members to conduct since it ushers in auspicious and heavenly graces to new premises. Not only does it tend to offer enjoyment and wellbeing to the area, but also to the entire family,

In Sanskrit, Griha is a dwelling and Pravesh is an entrance. A house-entry puja called Griha Pravesh Puja. When the family is prepared to move into their new home, they perform puja on a lucky day. A Hindu priest or Vedic Astrologer determines the day and hour using astrological charts. Days such as Vasanth Panchami, Akshaya Tritiya, Gudi Padwa, Dussehra, etc. Days like Shraddha Paksha, Adhikmas, Holi, and others should be avoided. There is no need for an auspicious timing for Griha Pravesh on Dussehra. Because the Muhurtas for that day are favorable at every moment,

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Griha Pravesh Puja types

Three different Griha Pravesh Pujas exist.

  1. Apoorva Griha Pravesh: When someone moves into a new home for the first time, it is known as Apoorva Griha Pravesh.
  2. Sapoorva Griha Pravesh: It entails the entry into the current home. People move into the home after migrating there or arriving from overseas.
  3. Dwandwah Griha Pravesh: It is the act of entering a rebuilt or refurbished home. home renovations following unforeseen disasters. Among these include earthquakes, landslides, fires, and floods.

Before relocating to a new residence, the deity is honored during the Griha Pravesh Puja with the assistance of a Hindu priest. It promotes happiness and wealth while warding off any negative forces.

Griha Pravesh Puja includes a number of rites.

Navagraha puja, Vastu puja, Kul Devi puja, Dwar puja, kitchen puja, Ganapati puja, Punyahavacha, Varun puja, Matrika puja, Havan, Purnahuti, etc. The sun, the earth, the water, the fire, and the wind are the five components that make up a house, according to Vastu Shastra. These elements offer happiness and success to a home when they are properly aligned.

Blessed and Prohibited Months:

The benefits of performing Griha Pravesh within a particular month are greater for the populace. The ideal periods for Griha Pravesh are Falgun, Jestha, Magh, and Baishakh. Shrawan, Bhadra,  Ashad, and Ashwin are regarded as unlucky chaturmas months. In addition to this, the month of Poush is also regarded as unlucky for Griha Pravesh. Therefore, it is forbidden to hold a housewarming ceremony during these months because it is a time when all gods and goddesses sleep and relax. Moving into a new home during these months will lead to losses, health problems, and a host of other challenges.

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Days that are and aren't auspicious:

Other than Tuesday, Griha Pravesh could be performed every other day of the week. It is, however, not allowed to go into a new house on Sundays or Saturdays unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Except for Amavasya and Purnima, the Shukla Paksha festivals of Dwitiya, Tritiya, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Panchami, Saptami, Dashami, and Trayodashi are best advised for the Griha Pravesh ceremony. Therefore, for Griha Pravesh, one should speak with the Guru or Priest. in order to ensure that everything works well in the future.

Griha Pravesh Puja's importance

Everyone is quite happy when they own a home. The owner has fresh hopes and spirits because of the new home. When purchasing a new home or following construction, the Griha Pravesh Pooja is conducted. It is among the most important times in one’s life, it. It only needs to be done once, and the ceremony brings luck. It is done to maintain harmony and tranquilly in the House. For every believer and follower, it has importance on both the scientific and spiritual levels. The benefits of conducting Griha Pravesh puja are as follows.

To expel all evil energies, a specific pooja is done.

It purifies the home and paves the way for the family to begin anew with harmony and good vibes.

It eliminates or lessens the negative impacts of poor Vastu.

It brings the family members who are living there inner and mental serenity.

It invites fortune and luck into the home.

All family members experience spiritual harmony as a result.

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Why Griha Pravesh Pooja is Important?
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