How can I recover my loan money?


The 2nd and 11th houses of a native’s horoscope are used to determine how much money a person will earn and how much wealth they will build. Money and wealth generation are given a lot of importance in astrology. Experts may sometimes refer to this analysis as a financial horoscope or money astrological forecast astrology when they are discussing it. Specifically when a native reaches the age when they can start earning money on their own, a learned and experienced astrologer is often asked to evaluate the native’s current financial situation.

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In a different scenario, it is also examined to see if a local person is likely to lend money to other people or save it all for themselves. Because it has been observed on numerous occasions that a local who has obtained money through their own work will typically give money or credits to other people who are in need of financial assistance, It is quite rare for them to be taken advantage of due to their good intentions, which is why they are willing to lend credit. In such a scenario, a knowledgeable and experienced astrologer would provide a warning to the person. But if they disregard the guidance of the astrologer, they will end up falling into the trap. When faced with such a situation, they once more seek the advice of an astrologer.

However, there is a catch, and that is that they will only get their money back if they are really fortunate. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be done is to make sure that none of these pitfalls are encountered.

To our great relief, an astrological treatment may be available in some circumstances. The ancient practice of Vedic astrology included recommendations for these cures. In the event that anything unforeseen occurs, below are some of the solutions that are recommended to retrieve the money that was lent.

  • Making offerings to Lord Ganesh is the first thing that needs to be done in order to get any money back or to get beyond any other obstacles that are in the way of getting the money back. Before beginning the recovery, it is sufficient to perform a straightforward Ganapathi havan pooja.
  • Chanting the Durga Sukta can help speed up the process.
  • Make sure that you give some of the money that was recovered to your family goddess or Kul dev or Devi. This is especially important if you have a family deity.
  • If the amount of money being given is not a particularly huge figure, one can recite the Gayathri Mantra 108 times per day.
  • Even the Sri-Sukta might be recited in order to gain favor with the goddess Laxmi. She must be given priority in order to guarantee that the borrowed money be paid back on time.
  • Chanting the Hanuman Chalisa continuously over a period of forty days is another option. Chanted with full concentration, a speedy recovery is guaranteed.
  • Avoid eating non-vegetarian food while you are reciting the Hanuman Chalisa or the Gayathri mantra. 
  • Every Saturday, the lent money can be recouped as quickly as possible by giving a black dog bread.
  • Even planting two banana trees at the Lord Vishnu temple in your neighborhood is an option. Once they begin providing fruits, distribute those fruits to other worshipers at the temple who are devout.


Even in modern times, several sections of India continue to place a high level of importance on this region. Therefore, an astrologer will determine whether or not a native has the ability to generate their own income through the provision of a service or the operation of a business, or whether or not they will incur debt. The second potential is an extreme scenario; nonetheless, having debt in your horoscope doesn’t necessarily mean awful things will happen. One possibility involves an individual taking out a loan in order to construct an asset. Only in the most severe circumstances is it determined whether or not the local resident is capable of repaying the loan.

How can I recover my loan money?
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