Is my laziness related to astrology?

Is my laziness related to astrology?

Lazybones! Have you adopted this idiom? People criticize your laziness often. Then blame your stars, not your personality!

Yes, Vedic Astrology may explain why someone is lethargic or active. Laziness causes sadness. It’s against the secret of success, which is to work hard. Laziness leads to stagnation.

Vedic astrology, our historical wisdom, can uncover the causes of your laziness and suggest remedies. Read on…

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Planetary Positions that cause laziness:

According to famous Indian astrologers, the Sun is the primary energy source for Earth’s life and causes day-night cycles. If we observe the discipline set by the sole visible God, the Sun, and live by its routine, we can achieve balance. Sun encourages us to rise and sleep early, while modern society does the opposite. Late-night partying, computer work, and screen time have all led to our late wake-ups.

We confront several problems if we don’t follow nature’s cycle. This irresponsible lifestyle activates Rahu and Saturn, bringing bad luck. Consult an astrologer about how planets affect your personality.


That Laziness is associated with Vedic astrology. Saturn is astrology’s slowest planet. Slow-moving people have the ‘Shani Graha’ effect. Saturn doesn’t cause laziness. Saturn tries to make us hardworking and focused. Saturn in a malefic home also causes lethargy, according to mythology.

If afflicted, Sun Planet causes terrible lethargy. No one wants to leave the bed.


Planet uncertainty Rahu causes laziness. When Rahu is in Scorpio or aspects the Lagna or ascendant, the native is lethargic without explanation. Rahu’s influence on the ascendant in Kundli’s forecasts can cause confusion, fake thoughts, and alienation from the outside world. All of them inhibit mind processing, which slows body movement. Mind alone fires or draws energy into a body, as we all know. When Rahu occupies the 5th, 7th, or 9th house in a horoscope, it influences the ascendant and makes a person lethargic.


If Moon is a prominent planet in a chart or the lord of Kendra or trikona, then it makes a person indolent, according to astrology. Moon’s decision-making is uncertain, and his mind wanders between choices. This slows his mental decisiveness and action. Planetary position causes weakness and inactivity. Moon’s laziness fluctuates based on mood. A person in this position should bathe daily and say the Gayatri Mantra.


If Jupiter is the dominant planet or Venus aspects the rising or Lagna house, a person may become lethargic or inactive. These things make inhabitants happy, so they don’t feel pressure to be materialistic. They keep cool and retreat. Jupiter, Moon, and Venus can also make people lazy.

Other factors:

If a native’s rising or moon sign is in a fixed sign, laziness may be present, regardless of other planets. Fixed signs are Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, and Aquarius. Their lords are Sun, Venus, Saturn, and Mars. The Sun and Mars are flaming planets. Rising signs may reduce natives’ mobility. Kundli’s analysis says a person can feel lethargic if their 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses are weak. This guy doesn’t rely on others’ pity.

Conclusion- Remedies:

Any kind of sandalwood reduces Rahu’s negative effects. On Fridays or Sundays, worship Lord Bhairon to protect against Rahu. Helping disabled or sick patients is another Rahu-pleasing remedy. Colors help eliminate laziness. If a native uses orange often, he/she will be more active and lose laziness.

With all these variables, diet also contributes to laziness. Inactivity increases if we eat foods high in carbohydrates and calories. Keeping active and healthy requires a balanced diet.

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Is my laziness related to astrology?

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