What Makes You an Introvert or Extrovert?

Introvert or Extrovert

People’s social lives are very different and unique. Also, it creates division into signs based on whether they are shy or outgoing. INTROVERTS are people who like to be alone and sometimes avoid social events because they are quiet and reserved by nature. On the other hand, extroverts are the exact opposite. They are social animals who feel more alive and at ease when they are with other people. However, have you ever thought about how it relates to astrology? Your birth chart, or Kundli, tells you a lot of things like this. Your birth chart can also help you figure out whether you are an introvert or an extrovert.

What causes someone to be an Introvert or an Extrovert? Get an online astrology consultation by the world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.

After a lot of time and thought, our expert astrologers came up with this way for you to find out for yourself.

Feminine and Masculine Zodiac signs

The very first step is to count how many female and male Zodiac signs are in your birth chart. Your birth chart is also called a natal diagram. Male signs are strong signs. Signs of Fire and Signs of Air are parts of manly signs. These Zodiac signs are – Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius.

Men’s signs are seen as getting more outgoing over time. Females are made up of Earth and Water signs. These are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn, as well as Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. People see female signs as signs that get more and more hidden.

Next, determine how many planets and other astrological objects are located at the Angles. Your 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th houses are the Angles. The edges of your birth chart are the most important houses, and people who have them are thought to be more outgoing, or EXTROVERTS. Keep in mind that the 4th house is among the most personal or hidden. The 4th House is about home and coming of age.

Count how many planets and other astronomical objects are in the 4th, 8th, and 12th houses. These are the houses with the most privacy and secrecy. They are also on the water, have pretty, ladylike houses, and are usually seen as quiet. Check to see if you have planets that are more for men in houses that are more for women or the other way around. The 2nd, 6th, and 10th houses are all Earth Houses.

The 4th house, the 8th house, and the 12th house all have water. The 1st, 5th, and 9th Houses are all Fire Houses. The 3rd, 7th, and 11th houses are all Air Houses.

Having masculine planets in feminine houses can show that a person is growing more thoughtful and resents having the earth in a male sign. When a feminine planet is in a masculine house, it’s the other way around.

Planets in Retrograde

Check your natal chart to see how many troublesome planets and points of view are there. Look at the signs and houses where these planets are when they are moving backward.

The energy of retrograded planets is coordinated internally, while difficult points of view can show what people struggle with or need to improve. Because sometimes people with hard views try too hard to make up for their problems and do things that go against their natural tendencies. In the end, look at your birth chart to see if most of the planets are in the South or the North half of the globe.

Having masculine planets in feminine houses can show that a person is growing more thoughtful and resents having the earth in a male sign. When a feminine planet is in a masculine house, it’s the other way around.

The upper portion of a natal chart represents the southern equator, while the lower portion represents the northern equator. If the majority of the planets in your birth chart are located in the northern hemisphere, it may indicate that you are growing more introverted or withdrawn. While having most of your planets in the south can make you more extroverted.

Other planets that make you more introverted

Pisces is the most sensitive and psychic sign, and just like the 12th house, it shows people who are mystically tolerant but need time alone to figure out how they feel about other people. Pisces people give their energy to others just by being with them. People with planets in Pisces, particularly the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant, should find things they care about and can contribute to. At that point, they will feel less sad or disconnected.

What Makes You an Introvert or Extrovert?

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