Why Should You Wear Yellow on Thursday?

Why Should You Wear Yellow on Thursday

Often we have heard from our elders that we should wear yellow on Thursdays and  we all have wondered the reason behind this old saying. Well, according to Vedic  science there is a deep reason for wearing yellow to please Lord Vishnu. So, let’s get  right into it.

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Thursday and Lord Vishnu

Every day has a lord to which it is dedicated in Hindu mythology. For instance, Lord  Surya dev is worshipped on Sunday, Lord Hanuman is honored on Tuesday, and so  forth. The day of Lord Vishnu and Sai Baba is also observed on Thursday.

The world was created by Brahma, nevertheless. Shiva the avenging one. For the  uninitiated, Vishnu is the God of Protection. According to Hinduism, it is his  responsibility to descend to earth at times of turmoil to reestablish a harmonious  equilibrium between good and evil. In the tens of thousands of years that have  passed since then, it is stated that he has reincarnated nine times. However, Hindu  mythology states that he will reincarnate for the tenth and final time when the world  is very close to coming to an end.

The Rig Veda refers to the god Lord Vishnu on several occasions, along with several  other deities, including Indra Dev. His importance, on the other hand, eclipses that of  other deities in later Vedic writings. In the later Vedic period, two of his  reincarnation, Rama and Krishna, take the lead. He is so influential that the epics  Mahabharata and Ramayana even feature him as a character.

But why should you wear yellow on Thursday?

According to Vedic science, Lord Vishnu and Sai Baba are both connected to the day  of the week known as Thursday. Lord Vishnu loves the colour yellow and is known as  Pitambar Dhari. As a result, everyone chooses to dress the same on Thursdays. In  addition to going to temples and giving offerings of ghee and milk on this day,  devotees also fast throughout the day. Jupiter rules Thursday and is thought to dominate the Deity and other planets due to  its immensity. Jupiter, Vishnu, and Sai Baba are all named Guru Brihaspati.

Vishnu and Sai Baba as gurus

  • Sai Baba was a spiritual leader who imparted the values of forgiveness and love to  those who followed him as a Guru. He also emphasized assisting others and  recommended they give to gain inner peace. He made no religious or caste-based  distinctions. Because he possesses all of these qualities, people look up to him as one  of the most respected Gurus who has ever been known.
  • Similarly, Vishnu, in his role as the ultimate Guru to the Lords, guided the latter in  several different situations. In addition to that, Samudra Manthan was  conceptualized by him.
  • The account of the gods’ ultimate victory over the demons and their transformation  into immortal beings is told in the context of the churning of the Milky Ocean. It was  Vishnu himself who suggested that the Lords churn the ocean to retrieve treasures,
  • such as the potion of eternity and Goddess Lakshmi. This is something that most  people are not aware of.
  • Gods alone couldn’t churn the seas, so he reached an agreement with demons. He  thanked the demons for their assistance by offering them a portion of the elixir of  immortality. He also gave the lords and the demons the advice to utilize Mount  Madura as the churning stick and the serpent Vasuki as the rope.
  • Vishnu adopted the appearance of Mohini, a lovely woman, to lure the demons and  steal the elixir. This helped Gods beat devils and dubbed Lord Vishnu Guru.
  • Jupiter’s aspect on any Kundli house increases its meaning. Jupiter-weak people  should wear yellow. Similarly, sacred items are often wrapped in yellow cloth.
  • In addition to that, the color yellow is connected with Brahmins, who are also  considered to be Gurus in one form or another. For the same reasons, wear yellow  on Thursday.

Methods for pleasing the Lord Vishnu

To appease Lord Vishnu, chant the Vishnu mantra. Vishnu Mantra is best said at  Brahma Muhurat (4 am to 6 am). And if you’re curious about how to chant the  Vishnu Mantra, the first thing you should do is shower yourself first thing in the  morning, and then sit on a mat or a wooden plank while you do it. Keeping the image  of Lord Vishnu in your line of sight, sing the Vishnu mantra in repetitions of 108.

The advantages of chanting the Vishnu Mantra

The recitation of the Vishnu Mantra is associated with a wide variety of positive  outcomes. The recitation of the Vishnu Mantra is beneficial to one’s physical and  financial well-being. Blocks negativity to calm the mind. Protect the home from the  influence of bad spells as well as negative energies by establishing a protective  barrier.

Read Also:-How does Jupiter affect different houses? Part 1

Why Should You Wear Yellow on Thursday?

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