Best Days To Buy Gold In 2022

Best Days To Buy Gold In 2022

Gold is considered to be one of the most valuable metals all over the globe. In India, the yellow metal is an asset and is being used as one of the most used metals for making jewellery. In India, people consider special dates and occasions for buying the yellow metal. With association to cultural as well as religious references.

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Auspicious Days and dates to buy gold in 2022


Pushya Nakshatra is one of the important nakshatras also termed as Pooyam, Pushyami, or Pushya in India. During this time, buying gold is considered the most effective kind of business investment. Due to this, gold sales, as well as the purchases, are observed to be comparatively high on the Pushyami. The festival has been celebrated throughout the year.

Makar Sankranti

It has been considered the most auspicious and important festival of India. Makar Sankranti is the festival of harvest and is the first to arrive in the new year. On being as the day of the harvesting period, it has been considered as one of the most auspicious days to purchase gold. The festival defines the time of bringing prosperity and peace. 

Ugadi/ Gudi Padwa 

Gudi Padwa is the sign of starting the new year as per the Hindu calendar. At the time of this festival, the ritual of purchasing gold is considered a good sign of achieving success within an organization. During this time, jewellers witness a surge in gold prices that leads to an increase in the sale of gold. The purchasing of gold on this day determines the good health and prosperity towards the sign of starting the new beginning. 

Akshaya Tritiya 

As per the Indian tradition and culture, Akshaya Tritiya is considered one of the most valuable and auspicious days to purchase gold. On this day, the maximum demand for purchasing gold has been recognised. In addition to this, the demand for gold among local jewellers in the country has been seen to evolve significantly. Based on the Hindu culture, buying gold on this day is considered as the sign of determining wealth and prosperity within the life of people. 

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This festival has been celebrated to define the victory of the good over evil that acts as the tribute to goddess Durga. As the festival has been celebrated for 9 days and nights, there is the trend of purchasing gold within these days. 

People from all over the country purchases gold these days, this acts as the source of defining the sign of determining the new beginnings as well as the form of defining the good fortune. 


It is defined as the last day of Navratri and is considered one of the most auspicious festivals. This signifies the source of achieving victory over evil. The purchase of gold on this day acts as the source of developing luck to deal with the new starting.


It is the last day or the third day of Diwali. This is considered as the most auspicious day to purchase the gold as the fact that gold signifies the auspicious time to the Hindu Culture. The purchase of gold on this day leads to determine the good luck in terms of initiating the new things


The purchase of gold is both propitious and prestigious for Indians due to this reason there needs to be an auspicious day for purchasing the gold. The number of lucky days determined over time leads to bringing an abundance of happiness and joy with that of developing peace and prosperity.

Best Days To Buy Gold In 2022

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