Position Of Ketu In Navansha


Navansha chart is the most important divisional chart and shows the 2nd half of the individual life i.e. after marriage. Ketu is a shadow planet that represents monastery, ashram, intuition, dark secrets, wounds & cuts, injury, knives, sharp objects, thieves, past life connections, and spirituality.

Role of Ketu in different houses of Navansha

Ketu In First House

The person deals with debts of the past life. They are here to serve other people or spouses in marriage. One may need to lose their identity to serve marriage. But natives can easily get inclined to occult and mysticism. They want to understand themselves through yoga, spirituality, meditation. They can also be disconnected from their own families. Do not care for wealth money or attaining assets. After 36 their professional life will be strong. Ketu results in extremely early or late marriage.

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Ketu In Second House

The native is always worried about finance and money. Spouses of native can be critical of speech or need to criticize others. They can insult family members. After 42 they no longer care for money. Meditation is the remedy.

Ketu In Third House

The partner’s spouse or native will always try to supersede one another in conversation. Their opinion matters only.
The position of Ketu shows limited communication with society, siblings, and cousins. The position also shows continuous
interruption in online connections like chats etc. Communication with a spouse can be harsh. In the case of the Jupiter aspect then there is spiritual communication with a spouse. Due to problems in communication, they always try to go away to a foreign land or try to become scholars, teach, so that they can reverse the negative effect of Ketu.

Ketu In Fourth House

Native always wants travel but at the same time remain at home. An interesting fact shows that connection with entities of other dimensions or paranormal activities occurring at home. Ketu gives land to the native after marriage and this may be far from family. Native may face issues with in-laws. Has a confined space for meditation at home and loves to be aloof and isolated. Finds immense research interest. Natives may not get benefits from their own families, however. They may disconnect themselves from family. Natives love to have multiple dogs at home and statues or paintings of elephants and Ganesha at home. Native has mystical people coming to the home and they find past life families through them which eventually turns into a strong connection. Native has hoarded wealth safety deposit boxes in various banks multiple lands. But before 42 years of age, the native disconnects from material life.

Ketu In Fifth House

The person does not want to take marital responsibility and romance may take a back seat in marriage. The native’s actions are directionless in this regard. A person can be cruel and sharp while dealing with the sustainability of marriage. At the same time, natives can lack the intelligence to deal in marriage. A person can learn different languages and electronics and remain determined about education. The native will be more inclined towards spirituality after marriage. However, they reject religion after marriage and after the age of 36. On the other hand, a person will be good at communication. Three children of the same sex are likely. In the case of women, the c section is also likely in the case of the first child.

Ketu In Sixth House

The native can lead a life without debt and enemies after marriage. It can also give a quick divorce. Can destroy all hindrances in marriage. Children of the native can, however, reject family business or family lineage or tradition. They can stay separately. There can be a career split or the native can do something different or entirely new after marriage.

Ketu In Seventh House

Shows two situations. Whether native does not want marriage or good spouse with connections to past life is possible, One must note that Ketu in the seventh house does not promise any marriage.

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Ketu In Eighth House

The native can be devoted to family or inlaws. The native can be the only bread earner in the family. Native need to contribute to the majority of things in joint assets. In the case of the positive aspect of Jupiter or venus, then they get help from their spouse. Native can be a loner and may not get support from inlaws after marriage. Naturally inclined to astrology, mysticism, tarot. Native can also have children or conceive before marriage. They will learn spiritual secrets.

Ketu In Ninth House

Relationship with father or guru can be distant after marriage. Native can have selective views and opinions. They will therefore wait for the right person. Marriage can be delayed and a person can lead spiritual life after marriage. Intellectuals themselves, look to the similarity in a spouse. Not attracted to any religious or spiritual organization.

Ketu In Tenth House

Society can perceive the couple as a very spiritual one. Native can show no interest in society and instead remain isolated. They can try to do their things and have nothing to do with society. Detached from home life, the native can easily understand obstacles and enemies.

Ketu In Eleventh House

Huge friend circle and may lack desire in life. Friendship from a past life. It is a rare occasion, to be honest. Indicates the people the native will be surrounded with. Friends, groups, office colleagues, and other people native would contact regularly. Also reflected are native’s nature of humanity, social awareness, knowledge of technology. Also indicates dreams, fantasies, hopes, desires wishes about the future.

Ketu In Twelfth House

They can lack interest in spiritual belief, meditation, foreign land. However, natives would possess comforts and luxuries in life and would lead a happy and satisfying life. In some cases, however, natives can incur losses and worthless expenditures. Apart from this placement of the moon, venus, or mars in the second house would further enhance the dangerous impact of this state. Eye issues are possible. If Ketu is affected, a person may suffer from health issues and hospitalization. Afflicted Ketu in the twelfth house also results in a rise in expenses.

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Writer:- Mala Chatterjee

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Position Of Ketu In Navansha

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