How Do We Know Jupiter Is Debilitated?

How Do We Know Jupiter Is Debilitated?


If an individual’s Jupiter is debilitated due to their natal placement in Capricorn up to 5 degrees, will have disgraceful behavior. A native with Jupiter in Capricorn may be tactless and irritable, inconsistent and jealous. This person also has trouble with indecisiveness.

Jupiter is debilitated in Capricorn and, its energy is altogether negative, capable of bringing you down in several ways. Its influence brings luck, fortune, blessings, and protection. Benevolence in all things; Jupiter also represents the foundations of happiness for you.

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Although Jupiter is a highly favorable planet, it does not work effectively when located in Capricorn. Jupiter’s energy will flow, but all things come to those who wait – this means that those prominent aspects of your life are still yet to be discovered the foundation of which lay in other signs – be patient!


Saturn owns Capricorn. His area of the universe makes people feel great sadness and doubts. He suggests you keep your feet on the ground. When he is represented in this sign, he refers to maturity and responsibility in important matters of life. This can also make you a no-nonsense person with a pragmatic nature. Saturn in Capricorn indicates professional status for you, but it also means that you have to bear some other responsibilities if something has not gone as planned.

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The Influence Anticipated

Wars, recession, economic collapses, diseases, etc. are all possible even now in some or other parts of the world. Justice will be denied despite corruption being exposed and the matters won’t get resolved.

The coming winter will be colder. Every season will all be extreme and natural calamity accidents are likely to occur. Pollution will be higher and environmental activists will go overboard preaching about protecting the earth from various man-made sins that threaten nature with destruction and leading by example thereby promoting awareness.

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How Do We Know Jupiter Is Debilitated?

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