What Are The Ruling Planets Of The Zodiac Signs

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Each zodiac sign in has a ruling or governing planet – and the planets’ quality poses a great impact and influence on the signs they rule. Here’s what are the ruling planets of the zodiac signs.

The Sun

Sign it governs: Leo

The Sun is known as Ravi or Suryadev. It is considered as the Jyotish or the soul of a person.

The sun is not a planet, but sometimes it appears as if it’s the most important entity in our solar system. It may also be because the sun radiates light energy which influences earthly phenomena more directly than without it. It transits into a new

The Moon

Sign it governs: Cancer

The moon is also not a planet by scientific measures—but in astrology, it functions similarly as an influential celestial body. In this case, it reflects our emotions, senses, instincts, intuition, and unconscious selves.

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Sign it governs: Gemini and Virgo

Astrologically, the moon functions in a way similar to an influential celestial body because it can be viewed as an emotion, sense, instinct, and unconsciousness guider. In its infinite alignment of mysterious gears is the power to reflect oneself.

It symbolizes how we order our lives through routines, daily practices, and habits.


Signs it governs: Taurus and Libra

Venus deals with how we feel about ourselves and how attracted we are to others. It influences our sense of pleasure, how we deal with partners, and it’s responsible for making us sociable. The planet also rules over our finances.


Sign it governs: Aries

Fiery and temperamental, Mars represents our physical drive.

In addition to being in charge of where you take your relationship with another person, controls where and how intimate a relationship becomes – it moves into a new house every six to seven weeks.


Sign it governs: Sagittarius

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It governs many areas of life but is most closely related to our faiths and beliefs. According to astrology, Jupiter goes into a new sign every two to three years.


Sign it governs: Capricorn

The planet Saturn reflects limitations, authority figures, commitments, responsibilities, structure, and hard work. Because of this, knowing your

Saturn sign can help illuminate some of your biggest struggles and what you should aim for in order to overcome them. It moves into a new sign every 2-3 years.


Sign it governs: Aquarius

Uranus is the planet of change and transformation. It is considered one of the modern planets when it comes to this kind of thing as well as innovation, science, and technology because its influence is directly opposed to Saturn’s rigidity and structure.

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Sign it governs: Pisces

Neptune is associated with an elevated state of consciousness, which can last a lifetime once it has been achieved. It represents a planet that connects us to the area of our lives that deal with ideas, dreams, and deep-rooted metaphysical inclinations.


Sign it governs: Scorpio

Pluto sends out a trail of regenerative forces which govern the physical body’s ability to heal itself and restore wellness.

Pluto also rules over psychological drives related to death and rebirth, as well as our unconscious mind and anything we have repressed from reaching consciousness.

Consult the world-renowned astrologer, Mr. Alok Khandelwal. Get an online consultation about your career, marriage, future and solve your problems.

What Are The Ruling Planets Of The Zodiac Signs

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