What do the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses represent?

What do the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses represent?

In this blog, we will have the last three houses of a chart; these charts are part of crucial decision-making in one’s life. These houses decide about their career, professional life, and their life beyond material things.

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The tenth house-

The 10th House, also known as Karma Bhava, is concerned with the type of work you do, your career, your status, your reputation, and so on. The planetary placements in this house establish your field of work. This house helps in deciding the kind of profession and professional an individual would be. Their professional life depends heavily on this house. This house is associated with Capricorn energy and is controlled by Saturn. Saturn might become your most potent friend if it aligns with the other planets in your natal chart. Saturn might be notorious amongst people for its justice and judgment, but when it has friendly terms with the planet in your chart, it acts in a different way. A more positive way and impactful way. It helps individuals in one or more ways.

Major joints and bones come directly under the governance of the 10th house. Knees, kneecaps, bones, and joints are among the bodily components controlled by this house. In Vedic astrology, a weak 10th house can lead to health issues such as fractured knees, joint inflammation, physical weakness, and skin allergies, among other things. 10 house has high potency and vulnerability towards bones so it causes bone health issues to individuals if this house is not in its prime.

The 10th house is the zodiac’s most visible and public section, placed at the very top of the chart. The 10th house governs traditions and institutional structures, as well as tradition and whatever legacy we are destined to leave in this world. This is the international stage, and this is how we are perceived—our position and leadership. It’s also about authority, dads, and fatherhood, as well as awards, achievements, fame, and public repute. The governing sign of the 10th house cusp is also known as the midheaven, and it might indicate your professional path to astrologers.

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The Eleventh House-

The eleventh house is also known as the Labha Bhava. It is the house of prosperity in Vedic astrology. ‘Labha’ implies profit. It’s a powerful predictor of wealth and income, as well as gains in name, popularity, and money, and it also influences what give you profits. In Vedic astrology, the 11th House oversees your social circle, friends, acquaintances, well-wishers, and relationship with your elder brother. A native got their elder brother through this house. As an elder brother will always reflect protectionism and welfare, so does this house. 

The 11th House in Vedic astrology corresponds to Aquarius, and the Sun is its natural significator. This house rules over the ankle, right leg, shin bone, left ear and left arm. A native with a poor 11th house in their birth chart may experience difficulties such as low blood productivity, leg discomfort, fractures in the lower body, and so on.

The 11th house governs all matters concerning vast gatherings of individuals. It is also linked to the future, as well as our dreams and ideals. This section of the sky is related to friendships, networks, teams, and collectives. Furthermore, we identify “Aquarian” with innovation, eccentricity, unexpected incidents or insights, inventions, astronomy, sci-fi, revolt, and all things futuristic. The 11th house is all about imagining future possibilities, usually with a group of like-minded individuals, and perhaps includes a revolution.

The Twelfth House:

The 12th house in Vedic astrology indicates the conclusion of your life cycle and the beginning of your spiritual adventures because it is the last house. It is also known as the House of the Unconscious, the House of Undoing, and the House of Imprisonment. A poor 12th house might cause the native to feel detached from others, such as separation from their partner, parents, friends, and neighbors. It’s the house of enlightenment, ending, and the afterlife, and it also represents a surrender to spirituality. 

Death may also be a sort of alienation. It primarily regulates intangibles. Because this house relates to Pisces energy and is controlled by the planet Neptune, it is associated with intuitions, dreams, secrets, and emotions.

The twelfth house governs bodily organs such as the left eye, foot, and lymphatic system. As these are essential for defense, especially the lymphatic system.

The 12th house is the zodiacal wheel’s last region. It is connected with ends, the latter phases of projects, old age, and surrender, as you may have inferred from the preceding 11 houses. It can disclose information about the afterlife and dream worlds since it is linked to the subconscious and imagination. The 12th house regulates locations hidden or divided from society, such as institutions, hospitals, jails, and retreats, as one of the more concealed domains in the chart. It’s also linked to the creative arts like film, dance, and poetry.

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What do the 10th, 11th, and 12th houses represent?

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