Importance Of Houses In Vedic Astrology

Importance Of Houses In Vedic Astrology

A Kundali or a chart is made up of 12 houses or bhavas and depicts the different areas of the life of the native. The zodiac is of 360ᵒ, and each house is divided into equal sections of 30ᵒ each and ruled by different signs and their lords.

The houses help us to predict the past, present, and future and have a set of attributes that rules over the native’s life. Each house represents a person’s character, education, career, kids, etc. Each house is assigned a zodiac sign from Aries to Pisces.

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The houses in the chart are divided into Kendras and Trikons. The significance of each house is as under:

The 1st house or the Ascendant or Lagna:

This is the most important house. The house denotes the Aries sign as per the Kaal Purush chart ruled by Mars. The natural significator of the house is Sun.

The house is associated with self and starting of life. The house connects to looks, features, strengths, and health.

2nd House:

This is the house of wealth, family, initial upbringing or sanskaras, financial status possessions, and speech. This represents the 2nd sign of the zodiac Taurus and ruled by Venus. The natural significator of the house is Jupiter.

3rd House:

This house is governed by Mercury and associated with courage, mental attitude, memory, short journeys, younger siblings, and communication. The natural significator of the house is Mars. The house connects to the Gemini sign.

4th House:

This is the sign of the Moon i.e., Cancer, and associated with the property, heritage, home, real estate, happiness, and vehicles. The house shows the relationship the native shares with his mother. The significator of the house is Moon and Venus.

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5th house:

This is an auspicious dharma house that comes under the Leo sign under the lordship of Sun. This house denoted our past good or bad deeds, conception, progeny, hobbies, speculation, and self-expression. The 1st child of the native is seen from this house.

The significator of the house is Jupiter so also associated with mantras, sadhana, and mental inclination.

6th house:

This is a house of enemies, debts, and diseases as represents the Virgo sign as per the Kaal Purush chart. This house helps us to predict about the health, diseases, and recovery from the same. The house indicates how the native will manage the debts and competition from enemies. The house is associated with the service industry, workers, nature of the job, and litigation.

The lord of the house is Mercury and, the significator is Mars and Saturn.

7th house:

This is the house of marriage, partnership, contracts, separation, and quarrels. This is the house of legal bonding of a couple and all the elements related to marriage. The house is ruled by the Libra sign under the lordship of Venus who is also the natural significator of the house so is also associated with beauty, luxury, comfort, and choices.

The nature of the 2nd child can be judged from this house.

8th house:

The is the house of longevity and is also known as the house of death and accidents. This house is associated with occult sciences, hidden things, and the dark side of life. this is the most malefic house so unexpected events, sudden gains or losses, bankruptcy is seen from this house. This is an important house for transformation which, usually happens after some losses.

The lord of the house is Mars and, the natural significator of the house is Saturn and represents the Scorpio sign.

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9th house:

This is the dharma house of Sagittarius signs under the lordship of Jupiter. The natural significator of the house is Jupiter and Sun. This house represents good virtue, soul searching. religious beliefs, and spiritual tendencies. This is also the house of a long journey and higher studies.

As Jupiter is the lord and significator the house denotes father, our Gurus, ethics, morals, spiritual inclination, and meditation. This is also the house of luck and fortune.

10th house:

This is the house of karma or action. This is associated with profession, career, status, honor, prestige, and power which is particularly important in this modern age. This is the house of financial success and reputation in society. A deep analysis of this house gives a clear picture of career goals.

The house connects to the Capricorn sign and, the lord of the house is Saturn. The natural significators of the house are Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn.

11th house:

This is a house that denotes gains, prosperity, and fulfillment of desires. This is the Aquarius sign under the lordship of Saturn. The significator of the house is Jupiter. This house indicates wealth, income, name, and fame.

This house connects us to friends, sources of income, elder siblings, groups or teams we belong to, and society. Any planet is considered good in this house specifically malefic planets.

12th house:

The 1st house of the horoscope is the beginning while the 12th house stands for the ending of the lifecycle. This is the house of expenses, investments, and results after hard work. This house is connected to lonely places, moksha, karmic bondages, death, hospitalizations, jail, ashrams, secret relationship sleep, and bed pleasure.

This house is the Pisces sign whose lord is Jupiter and, the significator of the house is Saturn.

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Importance Of Houses In Vedic Astrology

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