Venus is considered as the planet which helps us present a refined and more attractive side of ourselves to the external world. In astrology, Venus is the second most auspicious planet after Jupiter. It is the planet of love, romance, beauty, and aesthetics. Prime Karka of relationships, marriage, sensual pleasure. As per Vedic astrology, Venus in Capricorn can be ambitious or fearful. It all depends on how you work with energy. The transit shall take place from 8th December to 30th December. Predictions based on this are given in this article and are based on moon signs.

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For the Aries moon sign, Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 7th house and is transiting on the 10th house of karma and action. Transit will bestow you with new opportunities to achieve your longest goals. This time period is particularly good for those who are planning to start a new business. Your wishes shall be fulfilled and you will get multiple opportunities to accumulate wealth, property, and conveyances during this time. You will have a strong emotional connection with your mother during this time as venus in transiting on 10th house and aspecting on 4th, and, good bonding with relatives and friends. Your health will be sound and peace of mind is indicated during this period. You will have an enjoyable time with family resulting in happiness as Venus is lord of the 2nd house.

Remedies – 

  1. Gifting to your spouse is favorable.


Venus is the lord of the 1st and 6th houses. Transiting in 9th house of luck and religion. During this transit, there are chances of you being indecisive and your spouse not being very happy. Transiting in your 9th house and therefore you are likely to enjoy good luck in health and finance. You will get the desired support from friends and mentors during this time. Your viewpoint will be received and accepted. Happiness and joy on account of children due to the transit. You might have a romantic encounter. Students will need sincere efforts and shall have to maintain focus in their academics. You will succeed in going abroad for higher studies with your hard work and sincerity.

Remedies –

  1. Recite Durga Chalisa and offer white flowers to her


Venus is the lord of the 5th and 12th house and our transit from the 8th house of longevity, sudden, gain, and occult science. Due to the influence of the transit, there may be a rise in the ego which will lead to your behaving rudely with your close ones and hurting them with your own words as venus is aspecting from 8th house to 2nd house from 7th aspect.

Travel is on the card. Moveable assets may be sold and you will learn from the same. Professional growth is expected. There is a good chance of an increase in income. Healthwise you may worry about persisting issues and might need finances for treatment. During this time, conflict and misunderstanding with a spouse are possible.

Remedies –

  1. Distribute Kheer or Batasha to small girls


 Venus is the lord of the 4th and 11th house and transiting in the 7th house of marriage and partnership, This transit will see challenges in achieving targets in office and you’re immediate senior will ignore you despite your sincere efforts. You need to remain patient and focus on giving 100%. Native in business will need to put sincere

efforts into maintaining a cordial relationship with business partners and clients. As Venus is transiting in the 7th house of business partnership. You may also feel distant from your spouse due to some misunderstanding. On some occasions, the internal turmoil is due to the current distant relationship. Placement of venus will also cause dilemma which

would make it hard to narrow down a decision, It is advised to be careful before making any decision.

Remedies –

  1. Using ITRA is beneficial for You


 Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 10th houses. Transiting in the 6th house of debt and daily wages. Need to be careful of your health during this period and also be aware of some enemies at the workplace who try to hamper your image and reputation at the workplace. Keep your expenses under control. Do not spend on materialistic things. Pay more attention to family matters. The health of the mother may be indifferent. Married couples need to work out decisions and otherwise, there could be arguments and

distress. Students may obstacles in the path and also you should avoid joining or pursuing a new degree. Use wise words in love life.

Remedies –

  1. Offer white sandalwood to Lord Shiva


Venus is the lord of the 2nd and 9th house transiting in the 5th house of love romance and children. You are advised to keep your food habits in check, as, you may suffer diseases related to the digestive system (the 5th house is also a house of the digestive system), teeth, and jaw. You have to spend a lot on medicines. Professionally transit in favor, and you may find new opportunities. If you see a sudden increase in expenses, do not panic as this is a passing phase and you shall recover soon. Academic progress will improve. You can join new courses. You may recover from some past diseases, relieving you. Expect some positivity during this time and your confidence level will be at a high peak.

Remedies –

  1. Feed green fodder to cows.

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Venus is the lord of 1st and 8th and transiting in the 4th house of happiness and prosperity. This house represents family and finance. Professionally you may face situations at the workplace that might be a bit tough to handle. You will need to work really hard to get a reward for hard work. You need careful of investing as this may also turn into a loss-generating investment. Students may not be able to concentrate on their studies and they need to strengthen their focus. Old health issues can occur. Increased load in professional and family life may lead to mental stress and worry. Maintain an optimistic outlook to get through tough situations.

Remedies –

  1. Every Friday donate white sweets at the temple.


The venus is the lord of the 12th and 7th house transiting in the 3rd house of might and valor. During the transit, your opponents may trouble you. Take extra care of eyes (venus is the lord of the 12th house) and avoid excess food etc. to keep the infection in check. Traveling is on cards. You may get involved in illicit relationships. Mood swings would be prevalent during this period. New connections at the workplace will increase social networks. Your social image will get a boost and you will gain from friends and contacts.

Remedies –

  1. Offer water to the sun regularly.


 Venus is the lord of the 6th and 11th houses transiting in the 2nd house of dhan bhav. The opposition will cause some trouble to you and will oppress your friend and worker. Watch your expenses as there may be a lot of expenses during this time. Healthwise there would be minor issues and as such routine check-up is necessary. Students will remain beneficial as teachers and mentors will be happy with your intellect.

Remedies –

  1. Distribute white sweets to small girls.


 Venus is the lord of the 5th and 10th houses transiting in the 1st house of Lagna. This transit period will be very auspicious and advantageous for the native as the period will deliver desired results in professional life. Native in relationships must listen to their partner rather than creating misunderstanding or negative thoughts as Venus is the lord of the 5th house. Doing this can help eliminate several doubts. Family life will be very good as there will be prosperity.

Remedies –

  1. Chant Shukra beej mantra

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Venus is the lord of the 4th and 9th houses transiting in the 12th house of expenditure and secretive behavior. You will spend lavishly on comfort as Venus is the lord of the 4th house. If you have been enjoying gain during this period without much effort, you might have to work a bit harder for sustaining these gains after the transit as Venus is transiting in the 12th house. With Venus in the 12th house, you will have to face a hectic works schedule and overall stress may increase. Healthwise

you may have to incur some expenditure on medicines.

Remedies –

  1. Wear sphatik mala


 Venus is the lord of the 3rd and 8th houses transiting in the 11th house of gain and desire. Take advice from the elderly figure in your life. Chances of money profit. You will enjoy good health. There may be delays in legal matters. A short trip is also on the chart as Venus is the lord of the 3rd house the house of short traveling. Students will get desired success and research-based exams as Venus is the lord of the 8th house also, the house of research. During the transit of Venus in the 11th house, there will be an increase in your religious sentiments as the house is the house of desire also. You can spend your money on helping the needy and poor. These activities will give you mental peace.

Remedies –

  1. Worship Lord Hanuman

What is Vedic astrology? Vedic astrology is the most popular form of astrology, it is based on the ancient system of astrology that started in India thousands of years ago. The predictions are based on the planetary positions at the time of our birth.
Are you suffering from the problems of marriage, career, finance, education, and health? Take the online astrology prediction by world-renowned Astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal to solve your problems. This is the best way to solve your problems in life.

Writer:- Mala Chatterjee

Read Also:- Importance Of Houses In Vedic Astrology



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