
Know About Your Biggest Fears According To Astrology. Part- 1

alok astrology

Everybody has some fears in his/her life which makes it difficult to act upon certain situations in life. It is important to know exactly what you are fearful of as it helps in overcoming the fears. No matter what your astrological sign is, learn how to make peace with your worst concerns and turn them into assets.

Know the accurate prediction about astrology, birth chart, your marriage, and your career by the world-renowned astrologer Mr. Alok Khandelwal.


Anyone born under the sign of Aries aspires to be the Alpha, therefore the concept of someone opposing their authority or ability causes them immense anxiety. Aries is more afraid of being wrong than being instructed what to do, especially if what they have been taught is false or conflicting with what they already know to be ‘right.’ This is a sign with a strict black-and-white policy and a low tolerance for confusion. Aries is direct and decisive, like a captain leading his troops to war; if they are forced to second-guess themselves, their self-assurance and strength may crumble. However, in this society, nobody is completely correct all of the time.


Taurus is good with money, and when something unusual happens to them, like as losing a job or having car problems, it makes them nervous. Taurus is afraid of poverty or not being able to achieve their life’s objectives and dreams. Taurus must think that dreams will come true no matter how absurd they are. They do so to be happy. Taurus loves to walk on solid ground, while other signs may be more experimental. They could be too hesitant to go out on an unknown journey to realize their ambitions or attain greater financial success. These anxieties will be less crippling if they start trusting their instincts.


For a Gemini, getting trapped in a rut or following a repetitive pattern is the worst thing that can happen. They start feeling trapped if life slows down. Silence and stagnation are two things that Gemini despises. As confirmation that they are developing, changing, and succeeding, this sign wants to keep traveling, keep learning, and broaden into new moments in life. When a Gemini is stuck in a rut in life, they become irritable and vulnerable, as if they’re doing something wrong. However, life isn’t always a sprint. That is simply the truth that Gemini must come to terms with.


Even the most self-reliant Cancer has a strong desire to be surrounded by people. Cancers will go to great lengths to ensure that their schedule is full of visits from friends and relatives. This isn’t simply because they enjoy socializing; it’s also because they don’t want to face their greatest fear. Cancer is afraid of being alone. Cancer values partnership, love, marriage, and family above all else, thus he is concerned that they will be cut off from these ties. The idea of failing in their ties or not having an actual network is unbearable to Cancer. And there is nothing incorrect with having family and friends who care about you and want to spend some time with you.


Leo enjoys being in the limelight, which also means he enjoys receiving praise. If a Leo does not receive the attention or approval they desire, they may spiral downward. The worst worries of this sign are under-performing and disappointing others (including oneself). Their identity, including their level of confidence, is often found wholly outside of them. They consider other people’s viewpoints to be their own. However, Leo can learn a useful lesson from this. Leo will prosper if they can see that they don’t require others to affirm what they understand or could do. Like the energy of its ruling planet, the Sun, its power comes from inside.


  • In the next part of this blog, we will be discussing the remaining zodiac signs and be revealing various interesting facts about what different zodiac signs fears the most. We will also be dropping some methods by which zodiacs can overcome their biggest fears. So, Stay tuned!
Know About Your Biggest Fears According To Astrology. Part- 1
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