Maraka For Virgo Ascendant

Who Is Maraka For Virgo Ascendant?

Each sign has an associated planet that tends to cause problems or accidents that cause death at the end of a particular life span in the period of the planet associating/influenced by them. This planet is referred to as the Maraka for Virgo Ascendant in Hindu astrology.

Benefic Planets For Virgo Ascendant

Venus- Venus rules the 9th house of Virgo and the second house. It is considered to be the only most beneficial planet for this sign, as it emphasizes its qualities. It is a natural friend of Mercury and Lord of the 9th house.

Mercury– Mercury is considered a beneficial influence in Virgo and, since it’s a Lagna lord, this means it afflicts the lords of the 1st and 2nd house which, are both also ruled by Mercury so, it further strengthens it.

Malefic Planets For Virgo Ascendant

Mars- Mars, the planet of energy and passion, rules over the 3rd and 8th houses. But interestingly, it also happens to be in opposition with Mercury! Therefore Mars is considered a malefic to those born under the star sign of Virgo.

Moon- The moon is the natural ruler of the 11th house to Virgo ascendant and therefore will have a malefic influence on this sign.

Jupiter- Jupiter is the ruling planet for both the fourth house and the seventh house, which happen to both be identical in this horoscope. Thus, Jupiter is malefic for Virgo.

Sun- Sun is the lord of the 12th house so, it is neutral for Virgo.

Maraka Planets For Virgo Ascendant

The second and seventh lord should be considered Maraka. So it is Venus and Jupiter. But Venus is generally doesn’t cause harm or kill Virgo. Jupiter is the main role of Maraka. Also, Mars has played a lot of bad roles for Virgo.

For people under the astrological sign of Virgo, both Venus and Jupiter are supposed to signify an inauspicious time in their lives. However, according to Vedic Astrology, if Venus signifies education or speech, then it signifies an auspicious time for these individuals. Similarly, prosperous events can also occur if Jupiter represents home or family.

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Maraka For Virgo Ascendant

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